Salt cedar weeds are perennial plant with leaves like cedar branches. They grow along stream beds, canals and reservoirs.
Salt cedar is very invasive to the extent that it hinders the growth of other crops. The rate at which it takes in water is incredibly high and can cause ponds and streams to dry up.
Salt cedar grows more than 20 feet tall. It produces many branches capable of covering a large area. Its bark and stem are red in color. And the leaves are colored pink and white. It also has an extensive root system.
Salt cedar can be controlled by soaking it with salt water, spraying vinegar or pulling it by hands from the soil.
Red Sorrel
Red sorrel weeds have broad leaves and rhizome root stocks. They reproduce using their seeds and rhizomes. Once germination occurs, the rhizomes form buds to generate new leaves. Germination occurs at the beginning of spring.
Mature red sorrels have very woody stems and measure up to two feet tall. Their tap roots consist of dense networks of rhizomes. When their leaves mature, they become arrow-shaped. Red sorrels produce flowers throughout the summer via the stems.
Red sorrel thrives well in soil that have high acidic and low nitrogen content. It is a threat to landscape plants and agricultural crops. It grows rapidly in areas that have poor drainage. Physical removal is very difficult since, when uprooted by hand, its rhizomes break loose and turn into new buds.
Common removal techniques include manual pulling before rhizomes develop and repeated cultivation during the dry season.
Russian Thistle
This weed originated from Eurasia and spread to western parts of the United States. Russian thistle has broad leaves and thrives well in dry areas. It interferes with the growth of agricultural crops and serves as a host for leafhoppers, a dangerous insect that destroys vegetables.
Russian thistle weeds grow up to five feet tall and are bushy when mature. Their branches and leaves are very stiff and thin. These weeds are not only dangerous to crops but also to animals. It can cause digestive complications to animals when they feed on it in large quantities.
Controlling Russian thistle is difficult since it produces numerous seeds which germinate in large numbers. Removal may include mowing or destroying young plants to avoid further seed production.
Crabgrass is a weed which grows mostly in the summer. It is found in pastures and areas where people grow flowers. Their seeds germinate in spring and mature throughout the summer months. Their stems tend to form roots when they touch the ground. This makes the weeds spread, covering a larger area in the process.
Crabgrass has short stems that grow up to 28 inches long. The branches sprout from separate but close points on the stems. It germinates at the beginning of March when soil temperatures rise. Crabgrass can be controlled by mowing at regular intervals. This helps to ensure it is kept at a shorter level so that the stems do not develop to produce seeds.
Common Type of Weeds in Arizona Video
If you are experiencing a lot of weeds in your yard or on your property, professional weed spraying may be the answer. Give us a call for a free quote.
Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. We offer organic, natural and chemical weed control, with customized service to meet your specific needs.
I'm busy, detail oriented, cost conscious and highly selective as to whom works in and/or around my home. This is a service based company that actually provides superior service. Don't waste anymore time... call them. ~ a satisfied customer for three years.
Charles M., Mesa
I'm so very happy with Custom Weed & Pest Control. I had extremely tenacious weeds, and while they had to come out multiple times to get rid of them, it was covered under my warranty. Now they're gone, and I couldn't be happier.
Janice L., Chandler
Your service was phenomenal, and I would recommend you to all my friends.
Mike M., Glendale
They did a great job and all my weeds are dying as promised. My backyard no longer looks like a jungle. Thanks
Marty G., Cave Creek
Very happy with services. I would like to schedule for both houses this time around.
Mike M., Glendale
I was very happy with the service and I would like to setup another appointment.
James H., Phoenix
Great people, great results equals great company!
Daniel C., Arizona
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