October 2020

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Seed First or Spray First - Which is Best?

Weed control treatments are tricky. You need the correct product applied at the right time to make it work. The first step in the process involves the assessment of your lawn. The decision to seed first or spray first depends on… View More


How Effective are Homemade Weed Killers?

A natural approach to lawn care is preferable for protecting delicate plants and animals. Googling natural remedies for weed problems often leads to numerous recipes for homemade sprays. At first glance, the concept of mixing up a weed spray from ingredients in your pantry may… View More


What to Look for in a Good Weed and Pest Control Company

Finding the right company to handle your weed and pest control needs can sometimes feel like a never-ending process. You might have been burned by companies in the past who failed to deliver on their promises.  These questions all reveal the actual qualifications of a prospective… View More

Phoenix Weed & Pest Control Service - We Kill Weeds in Arizona ...
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