

Post 91 to 100 of 112


Growing & Caring for Citrus Trees in Arizona

One of the best things about living in Arizona is that the combination of warm sunshine and well-drained soil makes it possible to grow citrus trees in our area.  As a homeowner, you may love the idea of picking a fresh orange off a tree in your backyard. However, you do need to know that citrus trees require special… View More


Spraying for Backyard Insects - Arizona Pest Control

Pest control issues are often first identified in the backyard, where you and your family spend more of your time. Fleas, ticks, and spiders are a few of the most common pests, and you may also have scorpions, ants or wasps that pose a risk for painful… View More


Natural vs. Chemical Weed Control

Your dream landscape can quickly be destroyed by weeds that seem to pop up overnight. Arizona’s climate tends to be weeks of sunny, dry weather, followed by periods of monsoon rain.  This creates the ideal conditions for weeds to sprout. Once they do, you may find it hard to stop them from… View More


Arizona Summer Pest Control Tips

Pest control in Arizona is a year-round concern. However, the height of the pest season begins in May and extends through August. In some years, prolonged heat waves can even cause you to encounter summer… View More


Keeping Plants Healthy During the Summer Months

In Arizona, the summer brings heat, pests and drought conditions that can all create problems for plants. After pouring so much effort into the plants on your property during the spring, it is frustrating to watch as things take a negative turn.  These strategies help to address the worst summer problems for… View More


Keeping Ticks Away During the Summer Months

Ticks are among some of the worst summertime pests. They are known carriers of diseases that can be spread to humans, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. They also rapidly reproduce. Certain species of female ticks can lay several thousand eggs at one time.  Usually, seeing one tick around your property or on your dog means… View More


Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Arizona Garden

Insects play an important role in Arizona landscapes. While we are always eager to eliminate nuisance insects such as mosquitoes and stinging ants, some should be left alone.  Honeybees and other beneficial insects help to pollinate plants and some even prey upon… View More


Signs You are Overwatering Your Plants

Watering your plants regularly helps them thrive. New plants are especially sensitive to dry conditions and need to be watered more frequently. Succulents tend to need less water than other types of plants.  While you may be worried about not giving your plants enough water, you may be giving them… View More


Colorful Succulents to Add to Your Xeriscape

Xeriscaping is an affordable and convenient gardening method that requires little to no irrigation and has minimal maintenance.  This type of gardening is efficient if you want to have a home garden that is not hard to maintain, but is still aesthetically pleasing.  If you have a xeriscape landscape… View More


Gopher Removal - Is Your Yard Full of Gopher Holes?

Gophers are a year round pest that can begin to cause problems on your Arizona property at any time. Once they show up in your yard, they feed on the roots of plants and trees. Their burrowing habits can also lead to damaged underground cable lines and irrigation systems.  Gophers tend to reproduce in the spring and fall,… View More

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